Here you can order the manual for the SUZUKI SX4 Classic in your language
The operating manual is available in these languages: German, Danish, English, Finnish, French, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish and Spanish
(if you are interessted in other languages, please contact us via e-mail)
Please quote your vehicle identification number (VIN) later in the ordering process, so that we can send you the perfect match for your car!
manual in different languages for the SUZUKI SX4 Classic
available in German, Danish, English, Finnish, French, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish and Spanish
ideal for reimported or eu-cars from other countries or just if you cannot find your manual anymore
suits in every glove-box... ;-)
Please quote your vehicle identification number (VIN) later in the ordering process (there will be an comment field after you have entered your address)